Feburary. 2025
Journey #89
1. Osaka
2. Boxing
3. Get a seven score on the IELT test
4. Talking with A$AP ROCKY
5. Going to the MSG sphere
6. Help for 106 people
7. Sewing machine
8. Die after fulfilling my 108-bucket
9. Buying something nice for my niece
 10. Make my font cool
11. Home Gym
12. Sleep at the park under the tree when the weather is nice.
13. A good music equipment
14. Guide Korea
15. Married
16. Find the best coffee
 17. Running for 30 minutes every morning.
18. Yoga
 19. Making a cocktail
20. Dread hairstyle
21.  Home party
22. motorcycle
23. Get six-abs.
24. Secret
25. Tattoo
26. chiropractic
27. high-quality music equipment in my  car
28. Eyebrows tattoo.
29. Smoking Marlboro Vista from Korea.
30. Try F1
31. Make fifty food recipe
32. Make a habit to exercise
33. Release LP album by my name
34. Foundation established
35. Learn swimming
36. Go to the school where I graduated
37. Nail art
38. Volunteer
39. Jazz bar
40. Sleep at the park under the tree when the weather is nice.


  • Elementor Pro -$80 (Yearly Pay)
  • Language Reactor – $35 (Yearly Pay)
  • Phone Plan – $33 (Monthly Pay)
  • ROOM RENT – $800 (Monthly Pay)

Total $833
Personal Item

Total $348
  • WordPress – $67 (02)

Total $67

Total $ –
  •  –

Total $ –
For someone

Total $-
but it’s not necessary

Total $ –
Beauty / Toiletries / Kitchen stuff

Total $ –
Hobbies & Necessary

Total $-   Limit ∞
                                       Budget – $0 (-)                                    Total  – $900 (Except for the hobbies category) 
Left $0 (-985)