Today, I bought an ice cream which is my last
I won’t buy it anymore from June.
If someone gives it to me, I will have it. but I will completely quit it in July.
Anyway, I’ve still been looking for room rent and throughout the day there is nothing happened.
Today was a throughout day without overthinking.
Today, I got wet too much while working.
I might catch a cold. When we moved to the work site every time,
it was strange that the rain followed us.
I felt listless today, probably because I did a leg workout.
I should go to bed earlier today.
I was thinking of going to the boxing club because of rain.
But the rain stopped around 11 am, so I decided to go there.
It was tough only doing skipping because I went in 3 weeks.
I think my health is down, I felt like I was more tired than usual.
Anyway, I think I’m the person who has to go outside definitely.
My feeling was nicer than staying home.
And I hope there isn’t rain anymore from now.