Exploring Personal Growth Journaling at a Time #48

Exploring Personal Growth Journaling At A Time #48
Today, the C-train was something that happened, so I waited for 30 minutes at the SAIT station.
That’s why I lost about 30 minutes of work time.
Also, I got home 30 minutes late. 
I was originally supposed to have to take the Red Line when I went home,
But I accidentally took the Blue Line. So I had to go back, and to make matters worse,
I got off at the wrong station. 
Today, I feel like an unfortunate person.
These days, I get migraine frequently and I don’t know why.
Normally, I get them once a month, but last week, they continued for two days and even today.
Have I been unknowingly depleting my energy?
Have I been under stress without realizing it?
Sometimes, I don’t know well who I am.
It’s always different in my mind and resolve from one day and the next.
There’s a multitude of tasks and worries, and the excitement is disappearing from what I felt.
I wonder if I’m lonely. I want to talk and discuss my circumstances with someone.
And I need to regain my focus, motivation, and my mind, or perhaps I hope someone to guide me.
However, I know that the choices are mine to make, and the responsibilities are mine to bear.
Somehow, things will work out.
I quit my job today.
I was contemplating for a few days ago but at that point, 
the bosses told me we didn’t know how we should about your performance.
And then said you worked well but didn’t do what we expected. 
And then they asked me if I needed something in the kitchen, Just let us know what I needed.
So I posed the issue of the order receipt. And then told me 
“If we fix it, can you do it well more than now? If we fix our system, we spend some money”
I actually thought about moving to some rural while I working in that restaurant until May or June.
However, I was concerned about the impact of leaving during the busy season.
That’s why I made the decision to quit today.
I don’t know why, but my mind was comfortable.
If anything, I’m more comfortable than when I work there while considering it.
I will catch up my mind and I have to prepare to move to some rural area.
1. Osaka
2. Try kickboxing
3. Get a 7 score on the IELT
4. Talking with ASAP ROCKY
5. Try to become a Celeb
6. Will help for 106 people
7. Master of Sewing machine
8. Die after fulfilling my 108-bucket
9. Buying something nice for my niece
10. Make a wEAMi App
11. become a good husband/dad
12. Go to Tyoko
13. A good music equipment and liquor
14. Guide Korea to my friend
15. Get a married
16. Find the best coffee bean in my life
17. Get a good coffee machine
18. Try Yoga
19. Go to Jazz bar
20. Try a dread hairstyle
21.  Try home party
22. Buy the motorcycle
23. Get my house and stuff
24. Secret
25. Try tattoo
26. Take a chiropractic
27. high-quality music equipment in my  car
28. Eyebrows tattoo.
29. Take an eye surgery in Korea
30. Try F1
31. Going to the MSG sphere
32. settle down in LA
33. Release LP album by my name
34. Foundation established
35. Learn swimming
36. Go to the school where I graduated
37. Try out the nail art
38. To do volunteer
39. Get the three cars


  • Elementor Pro -$80 (Yearly Pay)
  • Phone Plan – $33 (Monthly Pay)
  • ROOM RENT – $700 (Monthly Pay)
  • Transport – $115 (Monthly Pay)

Total $848
  • Waffer – $3.04 (02, 15)
  • Social Tea Snacks – $4.5 (02, 15)
  • Excel Bubblemint – $1 (02)
  • Icecream – $4.99 (07)
  • Oreo – $2.88 (15)
  • sesame snap – $3 (12, 15)
  • Zero Suga Coke – $2.21 (16)

Total $21.6        Limit $20
Personal Item
  • Vape coil – $16.79 (04)

Total $16.79
  • Chicken breasts – $30 (01)
  • Eggs – $10.19 (02)
  • Almond breeze – $13.99 (02, 07)
  • Oatmeal – $6.99 (07)
  • Pork Tenderloin – $40.47(07, 12)
  • Bananas – $3(10)
  • Mix nut – $5.99 (12)

Total $110.63
  • GYM – $41.9 (Monthly Pay)
  • Tylenol – $5.99 (02)
  • Supplyments – $85.74 (11)

Total $123.63
For someone
  • Dount – $9.94 
  • YAKGWA MINI – $4 
  • BANANA KICK – $2 
  • RICE CAKE – $4 
  • Snack – $2.61 

Total $22.61
but it’s not necessary
  • Whole Wheat Bread – $5 (02)
  • Avocado – $6 (02)
  • Some sauces – $12.67 (02, 07)
  • Penne Rigate – $2.5 (07)
  • Salami – $4 (07)

Total $22.18
  • Towelettes – $4.5 (02)
  • Toothpaste – $2.64 (10)

Total $7.14
Budget – $1300                                   Total  – $1,172.58
Left Budget – 127.42