Eyebrows tattoo
Dread Hair
1. Osaka
2. Boxing
3. Get a seven score on the IELT test
4. Talking with A$AP ROCKY
5. Going to the MSG sphere
6. Help for 106 people
7. Sewing machine
8. Die after fulfilling my 108-bucket
9. Good husband/dad
10. Tyoko
11. Home Gym
12. Sleep at the park under the tree when the weather is nice.
13. A good music equipment
14. Guide Korea
15. Married
16. Find the best coffee
 17. Running for 30 minutes every morning.
18. Yoga
 19. Making a cocktail
20. Dread hairstyle
21.  Home party
22. motorcycle
23. Get six-abs.
24. Secret
25. Tattoo
26. chiropractic
27. high-quality music equipment in my  car
28. Eyebrows tattoo.
29. Smoking Marlboro Vista from Korea.
30. Try F1
31. Make fifty food recipe
32. Make a habit to exercise
33. Release LP album by my name
34. Foundation established
35. Learn swimming
36. Go to the school where I graduated
37. Nail art
38. Volunteer
39. Jazz bar
40. Sleep at the park under the tree when the weather is nice.
41. Drive on the coast road below sunset
42. Get an old car
43. Find a friend who does with this
44. Buy my family’s children something nice