Exploring Personal Growth Journaling At A Time #61

Exploring Personal Growth Journaling at a Time #61 Previous slide Next slide Exploring Personal Growth Journaling At A Time #61 -Tuesday- I heard the news the AOS program will be reopening next week. But I don’t know how it is going, but that was good news for me. And I’m worried about my new owner […]

Exploring Personal Growth Journaling At A Time #60

Exploring Personal Growth Journaling at a Time #60 Previous slide Next slide Exploring Personal Growth Journaling At A Time #60 -Friday- Today, I went to the somerset which is far away from my home. And I remade a yard. It was a long day. So I was late to get home at about 7 pm […]

Exploring Personal Growth Journaling At A Time #59

Exploring Personal Growth Journaling at a Time #59 Previous slide Next slide Exploring Personal Growth Journaling At A Time #59 -Thursday- Today, working started early 30 minutes and it was done at around 5 pm so I was pleased. we haven’t been done on time normally, always late around 6 pm. But If work is […]

Exploring Personal Growth Journaling At A Time #58

Exploring Personal Growth Journaling at a Time #58 Previous slide Next slide Exploring Personal Growth Journaling At A Time #56 -Wednesday- Today, I bought an ice cream which is my last I won’t buy it anymore from June. If someone gives it to me, I will have it. but I will completely quit it in […]

Exploring Personal Growth Journaling At A Time #57

Exploring Personal Growth Journaling at a Time #57 Exploring Personal Growth Journaling At A Time #56 -Wednesday- I couldn’t go to the gym for 3 days. My work has been done late for a few days. There’s nowhere to relieve my stress. I’m getting to be much stressed when I’m working and staying home. I […]

Exploring Personal Growth Journaling At A Time #56

Exploring Personal Growth Journaling at a Time #56 Exploring Personal Growth Journaling At A Time #56 -Monday- Jarel made fun of me since this morning. It was really nothing significant, but I still got stressed. It rained today, so my work was done early, but I got so wet that I ended up feeling cold. […]

Exploring Personal Growth Journaling At A Time #55

Exploring Personal Growth Journaling at a Time #55 Previous slide Next slide Exploring Personal Growth Journaling At A Time #55 -Tuesday- It snowed at end of the April. So I got a day off and probably snowing until tomorrow. I had a lot of work, so I didn’t write this. If I had dinner after […]

Exploring Personal Growth Journaling At A Time #54

Exploring Personal Growth Journaling at a Time #54 Exploring Personal Growth Journaling At A Time #54 -Monday- It came to a hat that the boss asked a favor of me But there was nothing in this house when I came back after finishing work. I’m sure, Jarel robbed it. The reason is simple. I saw […]

Exploring Personal Growth Journaling At A Time #53

Exploring Personal Growth Journaling at a Time #53 Exploring Personal Growth Journaling At A Time #53 -Tuesday- The new tenant moved into this house yesterday.  Jarel still doesn’t want to move out, but I’ve already spoken with the landlord about how to resolve the issue.  He has to leave for my sake, for the house, and […]