Exploring Personal Growth Journaling at a Time #66

Exploring Personal Growth Journaling At A Time #66
I’ve slept late and woke up late recently.
I don’t know why, but I have to fix my routine again.
And I think my body’s recovered now.
Currently, I’ve been trying to see my life and routine from an objective perspective.
If I were a woman, Can I love me? It is an important question.
Anyway, I will have the day off until Thursday.
I have to try something more and prepare something before I move to Vancouver.
Oh my god.. So hot
I heard of when if the weather in Calgary is hot, but if it is windy then being chill
But now the wind is also warm..
Anyway, the girl who is at the same gym has been catching my eye every time.
She is really my cup of tea. So I’ve been aiming for a chance the moment when I can ask.
I think she is a personal trainer. 
so when I work out, She is working.
That’s why I couldn’t ask it. I hope she doesn’t have a boyfriend.
I slept all day for real.
I got an infection in my throat.
It hasn’t been a long time since I got a cold.
Anyway, I’ve been thinking about fate recently.
You know, If I’m having a bad day, is it also a fate?
I don’t know well.. Today I didn’t study anything
And I had a nightmare about my mother.
I think I have to bring her here some days.
I don’t want to do anything now. I’m depressed.
I don’t want to speak of my bad things but I can’t be helped.
I don’t want to meet my colleagues tomorrow.
Honestly, I don’t know why I come here if living like this as if I were living in Korea.
I feel like I’m still living in Korea. you know I have to escape here
What I mean is I want to escape from Korean people.
that is all I want it. but I know it is all my fault.
But I know there must be the hardest time that I will be taken into account more than now one day. but I don’t know how long I can endure.
1. Osaka
2. Boxing
3. Get a seven score on the IELT test
4. Talking with A$AP ROCKY
5. Become a famous person
6. Help for 106 people
7. Sewing machine
8. Die after fulfilling my 108-bucket
9. Buying something nice for my niece
10. Make a wEAMi App
11. Good husband/dad
12. Tyoko
13. A good music equipment
14. Guide Korea
15. Married
16. Find the best coffee
 17. Running for 30 minutes every morning.
18. Yoga
 19. Making a cocktail
20. Dread hairstyle
21.  Home party
22. motorcycle
23. Get my house and stuff
24. Secret
25. Tattoo
26. chiropractic
27. high-quality music equipment in my  car
28. Eyebrows tattoo.
29. Take an eye surgery in Korea
30. Try F1
31. Going to the MSG sphere
32. settle down in LA
33. Release LP album by my name
34. Foundation established
35. Learn swimming
36. Go to the school where I graduated
37. Nail art
38. Volunteer
39. Get the three cars
40. Play chess
41. Make twenty foods recipe
42. Snowboarding
43. Sleep at the park under the tree when the weather is nice.
 44. Smoking Marlboro Vista from Korea.
45. Get Washboard abs.
46. Get a big guild in any game.


  • Elementor Pro -$80 (Yearly Pay)
  • Phone Plan – $33 (Monthly Pay)
  • ROOM RENT – $700 (Monthly Pay)

Total $733
Personal Item
  • Grammar – $45 (01)
  • Charger – $20 (01)
  • Stopper – $1.3 (03)
  • One-way ticket –  $130 (02, 24)
  • Stempede – $117.9 (06)
  • PureMoist – $8 (05)
  • Trip – $201.5 (7~14)
  • Eye drop – $47.6 (13, 24)
  • E- juice – $128 (14)
  • Listerine – $6 (15)
  • Large bag – $1 (19)
  • Coke – $1 (20)
  • Phone protector – $14 (22)
  • Battery – $10.5 (25)
  • Baking Soda – $1.8 (25)

Total $ 706.0
  • Pork – $10.9 (05, 16)
  • Checkin breast – $35 (20)
  • Pasta – $5.7 (20)
  • Eggs – $10.2 (16) 
  • Coffee – $9 (20)
  • Oil – $12 (21)

Total $ 82.8
  • GYM – $42 (Monthly Pay)

Total $ 42
For someone

Total $0         Limit $50
but it’s not necessary
  • Hash brown – $3.5 (20)
  • Soup – $4.5 (19)
  • Cheese – $7 (19)

Total $ 15
Beauty / Toiletries / Kitchen stuff
  • Cetaphil – $19.5 (15)
  • Toilet paper – $6 (19)
  • Toner – $37 (22)

Total $ 62.5
Hobbies & Necessary
  • Round trip ticket – $1470 (02)

Total $ 1470     Limit ∞
                                       Budget – $1400 (+398)                             Total  – $1,669.1 (Except for the hobbies category) 
Left Budget – $0 (128.9)