Today, I went to the somerset which is far away from my home.
And I remade a yard. It was a long day.
So I was late to get home at about 7 pm
I couldn’t go to the gym and market.
I got a good news Paul will give Jarel the eviction noctice tomorrow directly.
but I know just because Paul give it to him, that doesn’t mean he leaves here.
But they can issue that notice from the court.
I hope it is going well.
It delivered the creatine in the morning today as opposed to what I expected.
I didn’t know if they could deliver on Sunday.
Anyway, I tried to go to the nightclub yesterday but when I arrived in front of there, many guys were screaming
So I asked myself if like this place was really what I wanted. My answer was no.
That’s why I got on the C-train and went home.
I’m still looking for a new place that I will live but It’s hard to do it.
If I had a girlfriend, It would be easier than now.
And I had the pizzas yesterday from Papa John’s. It was very cheap.
I think the frozen pizza is more delicious than theirs.
Ah, Lastly, I get raised my paid $2.
So I raised my monthly expend limit.