Weekly Diary #038

I’m back
Finally, it’s done after all
It was a good time, very nice
I met good people and had a positive mindset
Honestly, I’m feeling lonely. This may be the first time I’ve felt this way
I already miss my team, so I can’t wait to meet them next week.
It feels like there’s an emptiness in me.
But with every meeting comes a farewell, I know
Anyway. It was a very good experience, I will never forget these memories and my friends
and I have one fun thing to share.
You know? I got an Instagram ID of a young girl from Germany
even though It didn’t work out with her, It also was a good memory, not bad.
and now, I’m planning to go to Calgary in 2 weeks
I’ll be starting a new life. There, I won’t have friends and family, Just me
So I’m very excited. Probably, It’ll be fun, I swear
 I’m really jumping in the deep end, something I’ve always hoped for.
You know, there is no plan for my life, I just let my legs take me anywhere.
Bucket list
ㆍ Osaka
ㆍ 킥복싱 배우기
ㆍ 영어 의사소통 편하게
ㆍ ASAP ROCKY 만나서 대화
ㆍ 유명해져보기
ㆍ 사람 108명 도와주기
ㆍ 재봉틀 마스터
ㆍ 108개 이루고 죽기
ㆍ 친구 조카들 좋은 거 사주기
ㆍ wEAMi 어플 만들기
ㆍ 좋은 남편/아빠 되기
ㆍ일본 여행 (도쿄)
ㆍ음악을 위한 나만의 방
좋은 장비 + 술..
ㆍ외국인 친구 한국 안내하기
ㆍ인생 원두 찾기
ㆍ좋은 커피 머신 사기
ㆍ요가 & 필라테스 배우기
ㆍ재즈 바 가보기
ㆍ드레드 헤어 해보기
ㆍ 홈파티
ㆍ 오토바이 사기
ㆍ 나만의 집 & 물건 사기
 ㆍ 비밀



  • Elementor Pro – 80$ (Yearly)

  • Phone Plan – 40$ (Monthly Pay)


Total –


I won’t be writing about exercise.

because My purpose had been making health my body in the first place.

So I think this part doesn’t need it anymore.